Advanced Placement (AP)

      AP Courses

      • Students can earn college credit by taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses and subsequently taking and passing AP exams. Students should check with individual colleges to determine how much and what type of credit the receiving college awards, as this varies from college to college. Exam fees for AP tests will be the responsibility of the student.

      AP Exam Registration

      AP Scholarships

      • The Prosper Education Foundation is proud to once again offer Prosper ISD students the opportunity to apply for Advanced Placement scholarships. PISD and the PEF are committed to providing opportunities for all students to partake in challenging course offerings. 

        The application window will open September 27, 2023 and close October 25, 2023.

        Scholarships will cover the cost of one AP Exam given in the spring.  More information about payment timelines and arrangements will be shared upon selection.  Scholarship awards will be announced by October 31, 2023.

        Students can APPLY HERE

      Contact Information

      • Students who would like to register for a course exam not currently taught at their high school, who may need to miss a scheduled exam date, or have any questions about the registration process, can contact the campus testing coordinator:

        Prosper High School - Courtney Langdon,
        Rock Hill High School - Antony Park,
        Walnut Grove High School - Starla Laxton,