• What's the difference between a library book and an instructional resource?

  • How are library books chosen?

  • How are instructional resources chosen?

  • Can parents review instructional materials?

  • Who may challenge a book or instructional resource?

  • If I have a concern about a library book or an instructional resource, what is my first step?

  • Does a challenge have to undergo a formal reconsideration committee?

  • What is the process for a formal reconsideration of a library book or instructional resource?

  • Do all committee members read the challenged book or instructional resource?

  • Why does the Reconsideration Committee need to read the entire library book if we can identify inappropriate material on a particular page?

  • What happens to a book or instructional resource that is under reconsideration?

  • Why doesn't the district just remove a challenged book from the library collection?

  • What does the Reconsideration Committee consider when reviewing a challenged book and/or instructional resource?

  • Can the result of a formal challenge be appealed?