2023 Start of School Important Information

  • BUS RIDERS (General Education Students)
    Centralized bus stop locations

    Many bus stops have moved to more centralized neighborhood locations in order to minimize the amount of time students spend on the bus and the number of late arrivals to school due to many stops. In addition, by centralizing bus stops, we are reducing the amount of time students are spending on the bus and increasing our efficiency and our on-time percentage.

    Elementary students may be required to walk up to .50 of a mile to a bus stop. Middle School students and High School students may be required to walk up to 1 mile to a bus stop. Bus routes are designed to limit student ride time to no more than 45 minutes one-way if at all possible; however, most students ride under 30 minutes one-way.

    We are evaluating all crossing guard locations to determine the best location for monitored crossings. As housing developments continue to grow around our campuses, we know that walking/riding patterns also continue to evolve.

    We are also evaluating our car rider drop off/pick up patterns. We want to make sure we are creating optimum efficiency for parents to drop off and pick up students.

    Completing Returning Student Registration as quickly as possible will help us provide specific information to you more quickly. Our goal is to have bus stop and route information to you by August 1 – if you are already registered!

Electronic Device Policy

    When a student rides a Prosper ISD School bus, the phone can be used to contact parents or play activity games. NOTE: Respect of others - Students shall not record the voice or image of another without the prior consent of the individuals being recorded or in any way that disrupts the environment or invades the privacy of others. If a student’s cell phone becomes a distraction or a safety issue, the driver can ask the student to put it away or take it from the student until they arrive at their stop or campus.

    Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Mobile Telephones
    For safety purposes, the district permits students to possess personal mobile telephones; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes. A student must have approval to possess other telecommunications devices such as netbooks, laptops, tablets, or other portable computers.

    The use of mobile telephones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event.

    If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. The student/parent may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the campus teacher or principal.Confiscated telecommunications devices that are not retrieved by the student or the student’s parents will be disposed of after the notice required by law. [See policy FNCE.]

    In limited circumstances and in accordance with law, a student’s personal telecommunications device may be searched by authorized personnel. [See Searches on page 51 and policy FNF.]

    Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.

    Should you have any concerns or questions that can help us serve you better, we've set up a convenient FORM for transportation-related feedback. Your insights are invaluable in our continuous efforts to improve.