Curriculum and Instruction

 The Prosper ISD Curriculum Department, in a joint effort with teachers, will create and sustain a guaranteed and viable curriculum based on the Understanding by Design framework, state and national standards as well as the Prosper ISD graduate profile and Strategic Plan.  The Curriculum Department provides instructional support and professional learning opportunities to staff in an effort to move student learning forward for all populations and programs. 


The purpose of education is to facilitate the learning of concepts, skills, processes, and attitudes necessary for all students to successfully function in an ever-changing environment. The district recognizes and values the unique characteristics of its students and commits to providing an educational program designed to exceed state requirements as well as developing each student's innate talents.

Student Academic Achievement

Mike Schmoker, in his recent book Focus (ASCD, 2011) notes the three most important contributors to student academic achievement are:

  • A coherent curriculum (what we teach)

  • Sound lessons (how we teach)

  • Purposeful reading and writing in every discipline

Curriculum Framework

A curriculum framework is an organized plan or set of standards or learning outcomes that detail the knowledge and skills to be learned in terms of clear, definable standards of what the student should know and be able to do.