Principal's Message

  • gannon headshotI am thrilled to be able to lead our youngest learners in Prosper ISD as the principal of Brenda Calhoun Early Childhood School. I have a passion for early childhood education because I know how crucial it is for students to begin their educational journey in a positive manner.

    My passion for early childhood education was born the minute my twins let out their first cries. I began to realize how important it is for parents and schools to partner in their child’s education. I also realized how many intangible things are taught to our earliest learners that are crucial to their development.

    I will have the responsibility of creating a positive trajectory for our students beginning at ages three and four, and I look forward to that challenge. The diverse needs of our earliest learners will create a learning environment where students will be able to learn from one another and accept other students’ differences. I envision the Brenda Calhoun Early Childhood School to be a place where students are experiencing their education. It will be a place where curiosity is in abundance, and students will have opportunities to pursue those curiosities. They will learn to communicate with one another, learn from their peers, and develop problem-solving skills.

    The staff at Brenda Calhoun Early Childhood School will have a passion for young minds and facilitate their learning. During my 15 years in Prosper ISD, I have had the fortune of being a part of the educational journey of thousands of Prosper ISD students. I cannot wait to be a part of the first steps in the educational journey of our students at Calhoun Early Childhood School.