• What is Classroom Guidance?

    Classroom Guidance is generally a 30 minute block where the School Counselor visits classrooms to share a character-building lesson.  Lessons often include a story or video, a game or hands-on activity, and a discussion.  School Counselors visit each K-5 classroom once every 6 weeks.  Our curriculum follows the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.

    Topics covered in Classroom Guidance:

    • Self-management  (August-September)
    • Building Healthy Relationships  (October-November)
    • Conflict Resolution and Communication  (November-January)
    • Problem Solving and Decision Making  (January-February)
    • Compassion and Empathy  (February-April)
    • Anti-Victimization  (TBD)

    **Anti-victimization lessons have been approved by the PISD School Board and the SHAC Committee.  Parent permission is required for the Antivictimization lessons.  Please watch your email for the Opt-in form!