Elementary Students Hot Weather Information

  • Elementary Students
    We often receive weather alerts during the hot days of summer, early fall, and late spring. To ensure the safety of our children at elementary school, we have some guidelines in place.

    The campus team will regularly check the air quality using a website called http://www.enviroflash.info/.  We won't have outdoor activities to protect the kids if specific alerts occur.  These alerts can and often do occur at different hours of the day.  For instance, if the feels like temperature at 9 am is 95, the kids may go outside at that hour -- but later in the day, when the feels like temp is 106, they will not. Campus teams check the alerts before their grade level is scheduled to go to recess.

    • One of the alerts is when the "feels like" temperature goes above 100. This temperature considers factors like the heat index to measure how hot it feels accurately.

    • Another alert is related to the air quality levels. If the air quality is in the purple or red zone, which means unhealthy levels, we won't have any outdoor activities. If it's in the orange zone, there might be a respiratory alert, and we'll be cautious with outdoor activities.

    Parents of students with asthma, respiratory problems, or environmental allergies that could be significantly affected by the weather should provide the classroom teacher with a one-time written letter to indicate that they would like their child to stay indoors on orange alert days or specific temperature days, different from what we mentioned earlier.

    Air Quality

    Air Quality Level

    Outdoor Activity


    No outside activity


    No outside activity


    Possible respiratory alert

    How can Elementary families help their students in hot weather?
    As we return to school during hot weather, here is a list of tips that parents can follow to help their children stay comfortable and safe:
    - Hydration: Encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Provide a reusable water bottle for them to carry to school.
    - Dress for the weather: Choose lightweight, breathable clothing that covers their skin and protects them from the sun. Hats and sunglasses can also be helpful.
    - Sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your child's skin from harmful UV rays. Teach them to reapply it during school hours if needed.
    - Inform teachers: Let your child's teachers know about any specific concerns or medical conditions related to hot weather, such as heat sensitivity or allergies.
    - Cooling snacks: Pack refreshing snacks for school, such as fruits like watermelon, grapes, or cucumber slices, to help keep them cool and hydrated.
    - Cooling techniques at home: Show your child how to use cooling techniques like a cool bath or a damp washcloth on their forehead to relieve heat.
    - Stay informed: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and any heat advisories in your area. Be prepared for sudden changes in weather.
    - Transportation: If your child walks or bikes to school, consider providing them with a shaded route or arranging transportation during extreme heat.

    Remember, the most crucial aspect is ensuring your child understands the importance of staying hydrated, cool, and safe during hot weather. By following these tips, parents can help their children have a pleasant and safe return to school during the hot season.