Taking a Screenshot

How do I take a screenshot in Windows?

There are ways to take different types of screenshots:

  • If you want to capture the whole screen, press the Print Screen [1] key.
  • If you want to capture just the active window, press Alt and Print Screen [1] at the same time.
  • If you want to be more precise about the area you capture, you can click Shift, the Windows logo key, and S at the same time. The Snip & Sketch application options will pop up that allow you to choose the area of your screen you would like to capture. 

[1]Sometimes the Print Screen button has shortened label text like 'PrtScn'.

Wait! The Clipboard disappears when I did this! How do I access my screenshot?

Usually, you can press the Ctrl and V keys at the same time to paste into the document or email you are creating. If this doesn't work, you can access the Clipboard and find your screenshot:

  1. Click on the Windows logo symbol in the bottom left of your screen.
  2. Click on Settings (the icon that looks like a wheel or gear).
  3. Click on System.
  4. In the menu on the left, click Clipboard.
  5. Under Clipboard History, click the toggle switch so it is on.
  6. Now you can press the Windows logo key and V at the same time to see all items on your clipboard.

What do I do if I am using a Chromebook?

Google has made some simple but awesome instructions on how to do this: